Saturday, February 25, 2012

White Girls Can't Jump

I was working at an aquatic park, and I switched shifts with Richard, so he could help out Aaron with his work shift. Richard's shift was janitorial work, and I finished it, but I also had to partake in a race. I stayed in first place for most of it, but everyone eventually caught up. I didn't really care about winning, I only wanted to finish first because I was worried that by attempting to help Aaron, my new shift would interfere with Derby.
Part of the course was a yellow/brown dirt with yellow/brown streaks of lava, and we had to vault over them. I lost a shoe in the process but didn't get sucked into the lava. Then there was a matted platform at waist height that I tried to jump over but got stuck on top of instead of sliding across it. At the very end of the race I met up at this large boat trailer, where three others were waiting, all around my parents age, two males one female. There was a tarp or canvas set up over the boat to protect from the sun, and the wind was blowing so hard we had to hold it and the boat down so it'd stay, but for some reason all the other boats and groups of people were unaffected.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Don't Worry, My Car Floats

I saw Phoenix by the driveway.
The tall grass that grows along the side of the fence on the north side of the driveway was frozen, so instead of crawling into the grass to hide, she just climbed and sat on top of the frozen, bent tall grass.

I was in a large room with a group of other people, and it felt like we were expecting something to come after us. There were a few sub rooms off of the main large one, and multiple doors out from the main room and we were guarding all the outlying doors and outward rooms. At one point I was seeking out the room designated for the bathroom. I felt I needed to change my feminine pad but even with the curtain drawn I wasn't allowed privacy, a blonde girl intruded on me.

What I believe was Aaron's car was in the parking lot of an apartment complex, partially submerged in water from recent rains. I decided to leave it, and come back later.
Now, I'm in an apartment with my girlfriend (I am male) and for reasons I can no longer remember I break up with her angrily, gather my things, and storm out.
I go back to the car (once again a female) and see that it is fully submerged. The parking lot had managed to flood, even though it did not rain anymore. I know I had a plan on how to get to it, but I couldn't do it on my own. Across the lot, I could see a man going into the grocery store so I yell out for him. Initially he ignores me; I could tell he thought I was just some crazy lady, but finally he actually hears what I'm saying and realizes I need help with the car. Once I actually get the help to get it out, I finally go to explain the situation to Aaron.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh, Ireland.

I had posted something on Facebook, and one of the two boys I met from Ireland (while I was in San Diego) commented on it, and we started talking.

Meanwhile, in real life...
Upon checking Facebook when I woke up, there was a post in my news feed from one of the Irish boys.

One Of Everything, Please

I was outside on the sidewalk with Alex. There was a bar/restaurant/coffee shop with an order window on the outside, but also there were patrons inside.
I ordered, and food was handed out, set on an outside shelving area next to the order window, and a soda as well. That completed my order, I wanted to pay, but no one was at the window yet.
I tried to open the door to go inside, but it wouldn't budge, like I wasn't allowed in.
I could see in, the venue itself was u-shaped, with a bar winding around all walls except the one with the door.
Then I received my cup of coffee, and all of a sudden the rest of my order from previous just stopped existing. I didn't think about it, it just was no longer.
As they were bringing me my coffee, I looked up at the sign and realized they only accepted cash or checks, which I had neither on my person.
I started asking about ATMs, and Alex pointed a few out but I told him I couldn't use them unless they were Wells Fargo, because I didn't have enough money in my account to pay for the transaction fees at other ATMs.
I had assumed the coffee would be close to, but less than $20 since it was technically a fancier beverage.
Alex tells me to calm down, and pulls out a $20 from his wallet, and as he goes to pay, the gentleman says that it cost $62.80
I immediately freak out and ask why in the world it would cost that much, and the barista got defensive, and talked in a derisive manner about how if it's going to have 5 shots of espresso, and all these other added ingredients, it was going to cost a lot. It literally had at least one of everything that would logically (or at least dream logically) taste good in coffee when mixed together.
Then I attempted to explain, without my voice cracking, that in no means was I blaming the lady barista, but that she did not inform me of all the ingredients or the cost of such.
I tried to say it in such a way that I took the blame while still redirecting it; I said it was my fault for not asking what the cost was, but that I had pointed to a drink on the menu and asked her if it was good, and she said yes and told me some of the ingredients, not all. And she most definitely did not warn me of the cost, otherwise I wouldn't've ordered it.
Alex at this point had given in, and was trying to ask the guy about an I.O.U. but the guy was being difficult.

Later, now nighttime, I am walking out of this building following someone.
A friend's boyfriend or husband, perhaps.
We're on our way to meet others, and initially he's pointing out buildings and landmark, and it feels it is, and it is supposed to be Chicago.
But then he starts talking about Detroit, and I realize that I don't really recognize any place.
I knew it had been a while since I'd been in Chicago and that it's a large city, so it was entirely possible that I was in a part I just didn't recognize, but I started thinking about how I could be in an entirely different city and not even know it til morning.
Then he gets on his cell-phone to his lady, and I remember him saying something about T-Mobile, and then there's another girl, a friend, walking with us.
I decide to also call the lady, and in the process he lost connection with her because she didn't answer the phone with a "Hello," but was still talking on the tangent of directions, which she had been discussing with the guy up until his phone cut out. It seemed she hadn't even realized that she was now talking to me, and I saw he was calling her back so I just quietly hung up and she continued her conversation back on his phone.
At this point we made it to the library, and the other two joined up with more, at a table where one kid was already sitting. There was no room left for me, so I was going to sit at a different table, but before I sat down I heard two kids at a third table harassing the initially guy at our table, saying how he was part of their group, he should be sitting with them, and how that was the deal, they found all the information and he got a free pass for this assignment. He didn't have to participate, but he should be close enough to witness what they were discussing and learning. So he started to get up and gather his things, and I got ready to sit at the table with all of my friends.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I woke up with a song playing in my head, that had been playing in my dream as well.
I went over the details of my dream in my head, and in the process fell back asleep.
I woke up again, for good, and the dream had escaped but the song was still playing.
I waited all day to see if anything would resurface, but no luck.

So here's the song instead:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm On A Boat!

I was on a boat, at one point on the deck with some minor criminals.
The bossman was instructing the other two (one guy, one girl) in their tasks.
The guy seemed to be sawing something off of a statue of sorts, and the first one he sawed off rolled along the deck and dropped into the water.
Instead of getting it himself, he made his lady friend retrieve it out of the water.

Then I was below deck, at a cafeteria style table, with a large quantity of people.
I was sitting next to a girl, who pointed across the table and to the left at someone who was meant to be Alex but looked like Aaron and said that she hoped I wasn't serious about him.
She made some reference about being drugged or duped into waking up into his father's bed.
It was meant as some sort of analogy or cliche at the time.
Then she pointed out Aaron, who actually was Aaron, two people to our left on our side of the table, and said something along the lines of how he's a great person, and you can't do wrong by choosing him.
And I just looked at her, and explained that I had choosen him. That he my boyfriend, not the other one, not Alex. That once upon a time I thought Alex meant something, but that he didn't anymore, and that I was realizing he never should have.

Then, and I'm not sure if it was the same girl or a different girl, but a girl nonetheless needed me to help chase down some puppies.
The one I ended up going after, when into a different room from the cafeteria area, and the only reason I caught him was because he decided to nab a scarf from the ground and start playing with it.
He wore himself out and then cuddled up in it, so I grabbed him and the scarf and brought them back into the main room.
The oddest part of that was that I recognized the scarf. Not myself in the dream, but my subconscious.
I had seen it before, but not in this dream, a different one.
Mostly white, with a pinkish-red patter of sorts on it, more old-fashioned.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hold On To Your Butts

I was with Mike, in a convertible of sorts.
We were driving south on 16th St, towards John Deere Road and Southpark Mall, but we needed to turn around.
So at the John Deere stoplight, Mike gets into the left turn lane.
I assumed he was going to make a u-turn, which he does, but he went fast enough and sharp enough that he caused the car to spin around entirely, more than a 360.. Technically a 540 or so?
But instead of letting it straighten out from there, and drive back up the road, he continued to spin around and around and around, all the way back to the apartment complex,
The entire time, I was holding on for dear life. I wasn't bothered by the fact that he was doing it, but only be the fact that he didn't give me warning.
I was not wearing my seatbelt, and we were spinning fast enough that I felt if I let go I would go flying out of the car since the top was down.
I kept trying to get the courage to grab my seatbelt, to inch my hand towards it, but I was too frightened to loosen my grip.

When we got back to the complex, he unlocked the gate and we walked into the basketball court, where someone was talking to themselves. I was a little worried, but I figured he must live there because you had to have a key to get in.
At one point there was someone else, yelling for my attention on the outside of the fence.
There was a shower, outside, across the basketball court from the complex, yet it was also in Mike's apartment at the same time.
I had been using it, and didn't think much of it until towards the end when I turned around and realized what steam cover I had originally had, had turned into condensation, and Mike had most likely seen my naked but when I was bending over to pick up something.
However he just shrugged and went about his business like I wasn't even there.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hey Kid, Want Some Candy?

I was running across a grocery store parking lot in the rain, escaping something.
I got into an SUV or van that was waiting for me, and we were sitting.
I saw a boy I recognized as someone who had helped me, and I motioned him over to get into the van.

Then I was at work, and I had him with me.
I was pretending like everything was normal, like no one could see him- if they did see him, they acted like they didn't.
I was initially just going to go thru the motions, and show up, and leave without clocking in but then I knew it would've been pointless for me to show up at all.
And since I hadn't requested off, I needed to do at least something.
I knew they would let me leave early, if I explained myself, but I felt obligated to at least do something.
My plan was just do billing, quick, and leave, and so I started to work but never took my coat off.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I was explaining to someone where I had purchased my socks from, and they didn't believe me. They were shocked.
Not shocked because I was lucky, and not shocked from being offended. Just. Shocked that it was possible.

There was another person later that I managed to shock, about something else entirely, possibly music.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm On Fire, And Now I Think I'm Ready

Mom was sitting in her chair, in the living room.
There was some sort of special occasion, and what I had gotten her was a gift card for books.
There was a card, and it had a long story//joke on it that took up the entire inside of the card.

At one point, I was having a discussion with someone about something we needed.
Whatever it was we initially thought we needed, we didn't.
We had procured it, only to find out that it didn't meet the requirements.

I was at a show, most likely Saves the Day or Motion City Soundtrack, because Claudio was there, and he was up on stage.
I said hello to him, and gave him a friendly punch, and a soft elbow in the stomach, and he greeted me friendly enough.
However, in his facial expression, he just looked at me like I was just another fan girl, that I was talking to him only because he was part of the band, not because I was a friend.
I had every intention to find him after the show, though, to get him to recognize me and to realize that I was there to see him and to catch up, not because of his fame.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Vant To Bite Your Hand

I was upstairs in a house, there was an open foyer on the first floor that three of four sides of the upstairs looked over.
I was a vampire, and I was fighting another vampire.
Or avoiding fighting, perhaps.
I was trying to protect a girl.
Most times I felt like I was male, just like the other vampire, but sometimes I felt female.
At one point, I used my vampiric powers to jump across from the south side of the upstairs hallway, to the north side, across the large gap.
I saw the other vampire coming, and I was using this tactic to get him to chase me in circles, and forget about the girl for the time being.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Real Life Is Just Too Awesome

The lighting was dim, most likely night time because I don't remember any curtains being drawn or the likes.
There was a gathering of people, I almost want to say at a party of sorts. It was casual, a bit on the formal side. (AKA no beer kegs)
I vaguely recall seeing the back of someone I wished to approach, talking within a smaller group of people.

That's all folks.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Nothing To See Here

At one point, I was surrounded by a group of people.
It was either day time, or the room was well lit.

Later, I had stopped by work and saw that someone must have used my computer. I knew this, because I always turn my computer off, but it was on with the screen saver running. However I didn't care.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I Demand You Call Me Sir

At one point, I was checking Google+ on my phone, and trying to bookmark or notate all these links that i wanted to check out later on a computer.
Most of them were posted by ThinkGeek, and had a theme of strange uses for every day things.

Later, I was at someone's house, playing Risk.
I had pieces in a decent amount of different territories, but for some reason I kept moving pieces back and forth between two territories, and making Aaron give me change and swap out the little guys for the 3-piecers and vice versa.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Six Foot Turkey

It was night time, and the house was dim. There were intermittent lights on- a lamp here, a wall fixture there... Just enough to see our way.
All of them were low level, "warm" lights one might say.
I was with at least one other person, and we were being chased by Raptors.
The were smaller, no more than chest height - around four feet?
Dark green, and large foreheads (both long and wide).
We worked our way up from the basement, navigating thru unfamiliar rooms.
It was my house, or a house I knew, yet the set-up was still new to me.
I told my friend to keep going, I knew there was a cat in the house and I heard something behind us.
It sounded more like a cat than a raptor, but I wasn't certain and I wanted to protect my friend.
I was lucky, it did end up being the cat. A darker cat, possibly longhair, that almost fled into the basement when I approached it.
However,I managed to herd it the other direction, away from the oncoming raptors.
Although our group might've started out larger, and some people unfortunate enough to get caught, I never actually witnessed anyone attacked, only being chased by two or three raptors and they never seemed to make it to the upper level.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Underwater Adventure

I dreamt that I had checked Facebook on my phone while in bed, and saw a post from The Bloggess stating that she was going to send out yet another Traveling Red Dress.
I was estactic. I missed the last opportunity, and I am fascinated by the concept.
I want a Red Dress moment. Badly.
I know I can make it for myself. But the idea of being involved with Jenny (The Bloggess) was a lot more exciting of an idea.
All I had to do, was comment on her Facebook post with a reason why I should get the next red dress.
I felt even more excited because at the moment, no one had commented yet. I assumed by the time I had composed my statement, others would have too. But to be so close to the beginning was just as good as being at the top for me.
So I thought it thru, contemplated in my head what I wanted to say, and started getting sleepy.
I knew all I had to do was sit up, get on my computer, and type it out.
(I don't like typing out longer statements on my phone.)
But I was so tired.
I thought, okay. I have to do this before I fall asleep.
But let me gather a few more thoughts, and think a little bit longer. Then I'll do it.
And then I fell asleep.

Now, I am in New York.
I am visiting my friends (Nick) Westy, and (Chris) Moss.
We were hanging out, those two, myself, and one other girl. But we were in someone else's apartment.
Perhaps Moss' girlfriend's, I think? (Wife in real life)
At one point, I secluded myself from the group to talk to my parents on the phone.
Initially we had been playing a game, I think a card game.
Then we were all sitting on the couch, and I thought I saw the girl crying, but she covered it up quick enough, and took her leave.
Then I realized I needed to gather my things, and go to meet Alex.
So I went down a few floors to Westy and Moss' actual apartment, to grab my things.
I actually walked around the place, looking at how it was set up, and when I got back upstairs to tell them goodbye, I complemented them on it, and told them how they had a better deal than my ex-boyfriend Sam in Chicago.
Outside on the street, it was sunny, and it no longer felt like New York.
It felt like California, and I looked to the West (my left) to see if I could see the coastline.
I was on my phone with Alex at this point, trying to figure out what streets I was closest to so he could pick me up.
He was there relatively quickly, driving what looked like a Ford Taurus, a blue one.
We continued (what felt like) East and as the road was curving, initially saw a green roadway sign that he pointed out to me.
Something similar to Oela, or Eila, Blvd.
It was mostly vowels, with an "L" somewhere.
For some reason we both thought it was amusing, and I recall thinking "elbow."
But before we could think on the roadway sign too much, the road dove underwater.
Legitimately dove underwater. The cars before us followed it.
But it took us by surprise, because until all of our car was submerged, we couldn't actually see which way the road continued.
The road was in the process of curving to the right when it disappeared underwater, but Alex swerved a bit too hard, and as we became submerged we saw the road straighten out but by then it was too late.
He tried to swerve back to the left, but we just went off the side of the road and started sinking.
The car was still in the process of moving, and I was waiting.
For some reason I was holding my breath, even though there was still plenty of air in the car.
I realized this, and started breathing again, waiting for the car to figure itself out.
It was my intention to unlock my door and pull us out, and I knew exactly how to do it, but I was waiting for the time to be right.
And when the car stopped flipping around, and settled into sinking upside down, I knew it was time.
So I grabbed the lock on the door, pulled upward, grabbed Alex right before I opened the door, and when I did pulled myself and him out through the oncoming water.
Though at this point all but our heads were already submerged.
Next thing I remember, is standing next to Alex on the shoreline, and there was a third person with us, a guy. Maybe he was in the backseat?
But you could see a vague outline of darkness in the water where Alex's car was, and there was discussion about just abandoning it, or salvaging it, etc.
The last thing I remember is looking at Alex and going "You're Welcome." with a slightly smug, but mostly joking expression on my face. And he rolled his eyes and said "Yeah yeah, thank you," but also gave me a hug.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Deal Or No Deal

A short segment, where someone I was with was talking about Nutro Greenies Pill Pockets.
(To save you wondering, they are dog and cat treats.)
Someone was eating one, and I thought that was odd.
Then I looked at the table, and someone took a plate and emptied an entire package of (dog) biscuits onto the plate, for people to snack on.

I was in an office, negotiating a deal of sorts, involving bone marrow.
Bone marrow, still in the bone.
A larger bone, I am assuming not human given its size.
I don't recall if I wanted the bone marrow itself, or if I wanted the other party to take the bone marrow, or if it were even the main part of the deal.
Every other aspect of the deal, any other terms, are foggy.
What I do know, is that it wasn't the ideal situation. The deal did not turn out how we wanted, but, it was the best we were going to get, and we knew that, so we accepted.