In a short moment, I was dumping the contents of a miniscule cloth knapsack out.
There were a bunch of different rings.
It was like finding a lost memory, they had all belonged to me.
I was moderately excited, because I was hoping to find one to replace my current ring on my pinky finger.
I dislike being without a ring on my right pinky finger, but the one I was wearing in the dream was either a gift from someone I wasn't close with anymore, or it just belonged to someone else and they were letting me borrow it.
Either way, I found a small but thicker pinky-sized mood ring.
However it was a little loose on my right hand, but find perfectly on my left so I wore it there instead.
And the mood was constantly a purple.
I have a vague vision of jumping into the pool while still wearing the ring, but what became of that I do not know.
Now on to the main event!
The majority of this revolved around a warehouse type building, but more like a storage-unit type set-up. There were other warehouses and sheds on either side, and across the pathway, that belonged to others and were guarded by padlocks.
Initially, there were a group of chairs set-up in a somewhat circuital fashion, like around a campfire.
There might have even been a campfire, even though we were inside.
I was sitting on a log//bench next to Alex, and he took my phone away from me.
When I got it back, I had found that he posted on my Facebook.
My status was:
"Kelly is a pyramid.
[Forgotten name] is a [Forgotten object].
Marsha is a book."
There were already a few "likes" and one listed comment.
The comment was from Marsha, but it read "What's with all the pyramids, Sierra?!?"
Except the comment was on my phone, but not sent.
(In real life Marsha and Sierra have quite possibly never met, nor know the other exists.)
And there was another unsent comment below it, from Alex again.
Another three sentence awkward haiku type thing.
Kelly was mentioned again, with a new object.
As well as two new people, also with other objects.
And every single name in any of the comments or status were all tagged.
Part of the reason we were in that warehouse, was that somehow I was granted either the task or reward of hosing off a friend with a pressure washer of sorts. And I was excited.
The friend in my dream seemed to be a mixture of Jon and Matt from real life.
Also around was Alex and Kat.
I was really excited for this, I wanted Kat to get a picture of me in action.
But I was getting a little impatient, because I had already grabbed the hose, and walked back into the warehouse with Alex. The J/M friend was already in there, but I didn't want to get started until Kat had caught up and could get the photo.
Then Alex and her decided food was a good idea.
She was sitting at a circular table, further in the back eating Chinese food and drinking Mountain Dew.
I had ordered food, but I was too excited and antsy to eat so I was just pacing.
At one point, I found a golf ball of sorts, and tossed it in Kat's direction.
It bounced multiple times, including into and out of one of her cups (the smaller one) of Mountain Dew.
(She had two, one small, only half full and one larger, three-quarters of the way full)
We were both perplexed. We saw the splash, and assumed it had landed there.
But it had somehow managed to bounce out without upsetting the cup and land in her lap.
While I'm waiting for her to finish her food, I decide to take off my winter jacket and scarf, before I get the hose ready. I was debating whether or not to remove my hoodie as well, but I ultimately decided against it, because I didn't want to remove my hat just to take my hoodie off.
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